Healthy, Money-saving Travel Tips & Treats

Taking a road trip is a lot of fun and builds great memories but it can also break the bank. To prevent the travel blues, plan ahead and save yourself time and money. Even when you try to eat healthy at home, it’s challenging to find good choices on the road. Here are a few tips.
Pack treats in individual non-toxic snack bags in a cooler. If you have children, let them make their own bags and label them with their name. Keep fruits and vegetables in storage containers that keep them fresh and they'll last longer. Instead of plastic water bottles that are not safe and can easily get overheated, choose to put filtered water in a insulated stainless steel jug that stays cold for 48 hours.
Here are a few options:
Homemade granola (nuts, raisins, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds)
Homemade cookies or cupcakes
Chopped veggies (celery, carrot, sweet red peppers)
Chopped fruit (grapes, melon, apples, peaches, oranges, cherries, bananas)
Unsweetened applesauce cups
Organic popcorn with sea salt (not microwave popcorn)
Hard-boiled eggs
Organic plain Greek yogurt and top with fresh fruit or granola
Small jar of peanut or cashew butter or individual pouches
Filtered water

For an afternoon picnic at a Rest Area or dinner in your hotel room have:
Oven-fried chicken
Sliced chicken or turkey
Potato salad
Fruit salad
Pasta salad
Chopped broccoli, cauliflower, and celery with hummus or dip
Mixed green salad

Traveling can be very expensive with the high price of gas, hotel rooms, activities, parking, etc. A family of four can easily spend $30-$40 at a fast food restaurant for lunch.
Another reason to pack your own food is that traveling can be hard on your digestion and it’s easy to end up with constipation from sitting long periods in the car. Drink plenty of water, avoid junk food, and stop frequently to stretch, use the restroom, and get some fresh air. To insure that you're getting adequate vitamins & minerals, bring along a powdered mix to add to juice or water. It will provide plenty of fruits and vegetables and help keep you regular.
Play a game of tag or frisbee to get you moving. Just stopping for 15 -20 minutes every few hours can put everyone in a better mood and reenergize you until the next Rest Area.
Where are you headed? What’s your favorite travel tip?
Stay healthy,
Coach Maggie