5 Tips to Find Time for Yourself

During any busy season, whether it's the holidays, kid's ball games, or a house full of kids, you have to take time to take care of yourself in order to keep your sanity. This is not an option, it's a necessity! I know what you're thinking, but I had 4 kids in 8 years. Thankfully, I used some of these tips to help me find some quality time so I could meet the needs of my family. Here are some tips to help you, or someone you love, to find that time. 1. Invite a friend over who has kids of similar age, so the kids can play and you can have some adult time. 2. Befriend an older woman or couple and build a close relationship for you and your children. When my kids were young, an older lady in my church would occasionally invite the young moms and their children to her house for lunch. She would pamper us with a delicious meal on fine china, while she sat at a separate table with the kids and had a tea party. We always left happy and refreshed and ready to meet any demands that came our way. 3. Insist on your older toddlers having nap or rest time every. They knew they had to stay in their room and rest or play quietly. This was not always easy, but I did this with my four kids, and it allowed me time to get in a much needed nap or just chill. 4. Trade childcare with a friend or family member. Make it fun, keep it fair, and know that your turn is coming soon. 5. Pay a responsible teen once a month to watch your kids. It's a worthwhile investment. It will allow you time to take care of needs outside of the home without having your children at your side. When you're in the middle of this season, it can seem overwhelming, but it doesn't last forever. When you take care of yourself, you're better able to then take care of your family and enjoy life. Were there some things that worked for you when you were raising your family to keep you sane? Share them with us.