In the Beginning

I have a passion for living life intentionally, and I want to help everyone I know do the same. Over the past few years, I've seen so many friends and family members including a brother die of cancer or develop life threatening diseases. I just couldn't accept the fact that "it was just their time to go". I believe that food & lifestyle play a major part in all the illness we see in our world today. I wanted to make a difference but didn't know how. I kept coming across information about a unique school, the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, dedicated to helping people understand the connection between what we eat, how we work, play, believe, and their effect on our health. This made so much sense, and for the first time, I felt that maybe I could make a difference. My passion has only grown as I've realized that I can pass that knowledge onto to others. I have also learned a lot about myself , but my journey has only just begun. I hope you'll come along for the ride. Subscribe and share with your friends. God bless!